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“How we show up and with the product that we bring, should be of the highest quality.” – Cam Petty Palmer Why is the verbiage you use with your clients so vital? Your verbiage matters just as much as the way you treat your clients. Let’s repeat that: Your verbiage matters as much as the […]
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“I’d rather have that sense of camaraderie and community much more than working solo because I’ve burned bridges” Lane’ Richards In the wise words of this week’s podcast guest, Lane’ Richards, “let your Freak Flag fly!” We dove into the “whys” of incorporating individuality and personal brand into your business, and how this leads to your […]
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“Emotional Resilience means to recover quickly, which is pivoting and doing what it takes to get to the next place” – Cam Petty Palmer “Pivoting, and pivoting quickly.” What does it mean to be an emotionally resilient leader in today’s situation of Covid-19? With the world experiencing such an exponential shift in the way we […]
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“Sometimes you just need to take the first step to see where it leads you.” – Karen Gordon Now, we know what you’re thinking. “Tech is so not my thing you guys, I’m here for the events!” But don’t scoff too quickly. Trust us, events are our passion too. We are a creative industry, aren’t […]
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“Once you’re able to relinquish control over the things you can’t change and really focus on the things you can, is when true change is really going to happen” – Anna Crelia This week, we had the privilege of sitting down to chat with Rhoda Brimberry and Anna Crelia, founders of Loot Rentals located in […]
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“When failures happen, allow yourself to feel those feelings of frustration, then put it away and move forward and charge ahead.” – Kelly Simants If you have been in business for even two seconds, you likely have made a mistake or maybe failed big time. If you resonate with this at all, you will want […]
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